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TOLEDO, traveling in time. -

When we walk through Toledo we return to the past, you can let your imagination fly and feel the soul of your children for more than two thousand years.

The ancient capital of Spain lies in the center of the country, on a hill surrounded by the Tagus River, so it was always a strategic place that every civilization wanted to dominate. Toletvm Roman and Visigothic, Islamic Tulaytula, Christian Toledo, cultural reference of Sefarad ... in any case, melting pot of cultures and civilizations, the city of three cultures, the city of tolerance.

  • Toledo essential. -
  • The traveler should not miss the spectacular Primada Cathedral, the richest in Spain, the Alcázar de Carlos V, which houses the National Army Museum, the Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz, la sinagoga del Tránsito, Santa María la Blanca and the Museo del Greco. But what makes our city unique is it narrow and charming alleys, a real medieval labyrinth where to miss is a delight.

  • Toledo hidden.-
  • Few cities in the world have a history as long, rich and concentrated as Toledo. It is for this reason that under it streets and buildings are discovered year after year archaeological sites of great wealth such as Roman baths, Islamic hammams, millenary private caves or medieval wells. Also hidden is the interior of the cloistered convents, which hide the very essence of the city and authentic artistic treasures. These spaces are not open to the public, or foreign or even local, but can be visited, subject to prior reservation, accompanied by local guides of IMAGINE TOLEDO

  • Gastronomy.-
  • The nearby Montes de Toledo allow us to enjoy exquisite dishes such as ciervo en adobo, conejo al ajillo or the traditional perdiz estofada a la toledana, of course watered with our recognized wines of La Mancha, of great quality and affordable price. For dessert, of course, the authentic marzipan toledano, the almond made culinary art. There are many traditional restaurants, but our particular recommendation is the recently opened La Clandestina de las Tendillas, where tradition and modernity go hand in hand in its beautiful garden patio, ideal for spring and summer.

  • Important.-
  • You should know that Toledo does not look in a day. The traveler who, without haste, allows himself to delight at least two days and one night in our streets, monuments, traditions and gastronomy, you can live a unique experience and you will surely find your ideal place in the heart of Spain.

    Por: Alejandro Díaz Tejada
    Toledo - Spain

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    RECETA: Mejillones rellenos / Mydie Dolma: 5 personas.

    1 taza = 250 ml. 20 mejillones de 7 cm
    85 ml. de aceite de oliva.
    01 cebolla de gran tamaño. (preferentemente los de cáscara marrón)
    190 gr. de arroz.
    1 cucharadita de menta.
    1 cucharadita de pasta de tomate.
    1 / 3 taza, picado eneldo.
    Una cuacharadita de azúcar.
    Sal y pimienta al gusto.
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    Aceite de oliva, 2 limones
    01 cebolla grande, sla,
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    - Limpiar y lavar los mejillones, colocarlos en un recipiente lleno de agua fría.
    - A parte, en una olla hacer un sofrito: echar el aceite de oliva, 01 cebolla bien picada, una pizaca de azúcar y la sal.
    - Saltear hasta que la cebolla esté semi-translúcida.
    - Lavar el arroz con agua fría, (hasta que el agua salga casi transparente), luego añadirlo al sofrito, hasta que esté vidrioso.
    - Añadir la pasta de tomate y menta, y cocine por 2 minutos más hasta notar su aroma.
    - Verter el agua sobre el arroz, revuelva suavemente y tape la olla.
    - Cuando llegue a un primer hervor, añadir el eneld, bajar el fuego al mínimo y dejar cocinando hasta que el agua se haya evaporado. Cuando vea unos pequeños "Cráteres".
    - Veter el arroza un plato para que se enfríe.
    - Rellene los mejillones en forma pareja con en el arroz. Las conchas deben cerrar perfectamente, colocarles limón en rodajas (una rodaja por mejillón). - Precalentar el horno a 150º.
    - Poner un papel mojado en la fuente del horno, añadir la otra cebolla en gajos a modo de "cama" y colocar los mejillones rellenos sobre encima. - Añadir 250ml de agua tibia.
    - Vierta un chorrito (35 ml.) de aceite de oliva sobre los mejillones. Espolvorear con sal.
    - meterlos en el horno durante 20 o 30 minutos.
    - Cuando se enfríe, servir con cuartos de limón al lado.

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    Original design by: Adrian Mato Gondelle - Customizer by: O.Jara Creativos